Become a member

Become a member

Become a member of tecnoswiss to benefit from the association's attractive services and networks.

> Application tecnoswiss (Word)

> Application tecnoswiss (PDF)

> Factsheet tecnoswiss

Your contacts

Administrative office
Elias Welti
c/o Handel Schweiz
Viaduktstrasse 8
CH-4010 Basel
Tel.+41 61 228 90 37
mail (at)

President Group Metal
Hr. Jakob Broger
Intool AG
CH-6312 Steinhausen
Tel. +41 41 748 07 00

Präsident Gruppe Holz
Hr. Raphael Betschart
HM-Spoerri AG
CH-8184 Bachenbülach
Tel. +41 44 872 51 00